Coyote Animal Guide Spagyric (Materia Artium Labs)


Coyote Animal Guide Spagyric (Materia Artium Labs)

SpeciesCanis latrans – Western Coyote

Secured: December, 2018 in Taos, NM

Parts Used: With the exception of the hide and skull, all parts where used

Method of Extraction:  Advanced Alchemical lab processes combining Plant, Animal, and Mineral works to achieve the secretive Animal Alchem

Coyote Animal Guide Spagyric (Materia Artium Labs)

SpeciesCanis latrans – Western Coyote

Secured: December, 2018 in Taos, NM

Parts Used: With the exception of the hide and skull, all parts where used

Method of Extraction:  Advanced Alchemical lab processes combining Plant, Animal, and Mineral works to achieve the secretive Animal Alchemy 

CorrespondencesMercurial, Lunar, Saturnian, The Fool Tarot

Highlights:  Transformation, Initiation, Wisdom, The Wise Fool, Adaptation, Cycles of Death and Rebirth, Wisdom From Death, Opportunistic, Diversity, Open-Mindedness, Sense of Humor, The Jester/Comedian, Independence, Hidden Skills/Wisdom, Communication Skills, Creator, Trickster, Social Cooperation, Versatility, Desensitization, Maturity, Playfulness, Tactic.

Cunning. Intelligent. Wily. Thief. The Coyote has been a main theme in Native American lore for thousands of years. Usually misunderstood, the Coyote has been the bane of existence to ranchers for over a decade and has now become a “nuisance” to urban inhabitants due to their incredible adaptability to live very close to humans. We’ll take a look at what makes the Coyote majestic, and why you have to get over yourself in order to understand why he’s really an amazing teacher but one that perhaps does so in ways many have a had hard time understanding and accepting when he shows up. 


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