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The Philosophical Minds Podcast

An Exploration of all things Philosophical, Alchemical, and Esoteric. From the Psycho-spiritual to the material chemical nature of the All,  join me and my guests as we inquire into the liminality of mind and matter, and tend to the fertile soils of awareness and perception, while facilitating and expanded consciousness from the individual to the collective

~Skyler Mathis

In an age where information is at our fingertips yet understanding often seems elusive, the Philosophical Minds podcast, hosted by Skyler Mathis, emerges as a beacon of intellectual exploration. Mathis, with his distinctive style and profound curiosity, invites listeners on a journey through the intricate landscapes of philosophy, science, and human consciousness. This podcast isn’t just a series of episodes; it’s a transformative experience that bridges ancient wisdom with contemporary insights.

Skyler Mathis, the voice behind this compelling podcast, has a unique way of engaging with his audience. His interviews aren’t mere conversations but are deep dives into the essence of his guests’ expertise and viewpoints. Whether it’s discussing the nuances of metaphysical theories with seasoned philosophers or unraveling the complexities of quantum physics with leading scientists, Mathis brings a rare blend of accessibility and depth to each episode.

One of the defining features of the Philosophical Minds podcast is its ability to make complex ideas approachable without diluting their essence. Mathis has an uncanny ability to translate the often esoteric language of philosophy into relatable and digestible content. His style is conversational yet insightful, inviting listeners to ponder and reflect rather than simply consume information. This approach not only educates but also inspires a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of various fields of knowledge.

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Winning a war with robots would require a combination of advanced technological, strategic, and tactical approaches. Here are some of the most useful techniques:  Learn More >

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Code of Plotinus and Porphyry

  • To Hen (τό ἕν), The One: Deity without quality, sometimes called The Good.
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The Exoteric were the parables .

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