

Species:  Pituophis catenifer sayi “Bullsnake”. Non-venomous native to Northern N.M. The largest/longest snake in N.America with specimens reaching almost 10′

Secured:  Spring 2019 Taos, N.M.

Parts Used:  Entire animal, molts, female and male specimens

Method of Extraction:  Advanced Alchemical lab processes combining Plant and Mineral works to achieve the secretive Animal Alchemy 

Correspondences:  Lunar, Earth, Mercurial


Species:  Pituophis catenifer sayi “Bullsnake”. Non-venomous native to Northern N.M. The largest/longest snake in N.America with specimens reaching almost 10′

Secured:  Spring 2019 Taos, N.M.

Parts Used:  Entire animal, molts, female and male specimens

Method of Extraction:  Advanced Alchemical lab processes combining Plant and Mineral works to achieve the secretive Animal Alchemy 

Correspondences:  Lunar, Earth, Mercurial

Highlights:  Transformation, Magick, Sacrifice for Secret Knowledge/Sciences, Wisdom, Binary Expression of Light and Dark, Afterlife, Immortality, Life and Death, Poison Path and Medicine, Dragon work, Left-Hand Path, Metaphysics, Trees, The Mind, Sexuality/Sex Magick, Higher States of Consciousness, Kundalini Work, Dimensional Smuggling, Addressing Old Wounds

The Serpent is the quintessential archetype of the prototypical symbol of the scapegoat and heretic while being honored and respected by mystics, shamans, sorcerers, and alike, because of the wisdom and teachings that it renders. The Serpent path is one of great sacrifice at any cost because of the fire inside of us from divinity wills only the achievement of self-transformation through self-realization. As the shape-shifter, the Serpent is a master at never wearing the garbs of a state of being for too long, similar to reality being in constant evolution as destruction and creation within the magnitudes of deaths and (re)births, all processes that become very apparent when we slither down the abyss of our Minds and infinity. We are in the thralls of our thoughts and beliefs as if our lives depended on them because these are what “allows us to feel” alive, safe, secure, loved, accepted, and protected, which are all identifications with the in-authentic, like obsolete skins. The Serpent cannot hold onto these old complexions since its survival and well being depend on it shedding, although not the most effortless task when you’re lacking the extremities to change attire.


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