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Propagate Prosperity

Somewhere along our paths we often have a realization that what fuels our fire isn’t indulgent pleasure filled frenzies, material acquisitions, fame, or our social status. It’s transmitting meaning, propagating prosperity, generating generosity, and other things of that nature. I️ believe we have an intrinsic nature, or at least the human potential to develop and maintain a compassionate and empathetic character. An inherent capacty to do good,be good, feel good. A quality that often overtime gets clouded out, distorted, or corrupted by the pitfalls of humanity. Keep shining and keep grinding relentlessly and persistency. Propegate Prosperity
~Skyler Mathis

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Code of Plotinus and Porphyry

  • To Hen (τό ἕν), The One: Deity without quality, sometimes called The Good.
  • Nous (Νοῦς), Mind: The Universal consciousness, from which proceeds
  • Psychē (Ψυχή), Soul: Including both individual and world soul, leading finally to
  • Physis (Φύσις), Nature.

Esoteric Christianity


The Exoteric were the parables .

Why is there one school of christian thought that has been pigeon holed into Esoteric Christianity, and then on the other hand there is large and small O orthodoxy ?

We have clues . Why does Christ speak in parables? For some it is given to know the truth and the teachings of God, and for others it is not given.

parables convey only a part of the truth. The other stuff can only be conveyed to those whom are given to know it. Listen Here>


Plant Intelligence AKA earths natural internet is the fungal network that about 90% of land plants are leveraging. Mycelium makes it all possible for plants to send and receive info by plugging into the network , allowing mature trees to help local developing trees by distributive nutrient transfers. Lets talk about plant awareness and how mushrooms can help save the planet!

Mixed Realities & Cyborgs

Welcome to life 3.0, the co-existence of various forms of beings such as humans, robots, surrogates, and artificial intelligence. We will be navigating the real world as well as digital space, inquiring into the multifarious layered virtual realities via combinations of interactive holographic media , telepresence , tactile haptic feedback technologies, bio-metrics and signature deduction to name a few