Promethean Antidote

There exists without a doubt a predictor class these governing bodies and the entities that possess them perhaps. They seek to control the masses by essentially perpetuating and refining the spells of their ancestors. And are CONCIOUSly acting out their subversive mass ritual abuses via emotional manipulation and psychological warfare . but is it even warfare or have the submissive masses become so complacent and complicit to the point of complete and under surrender ?

These dark arts concils , commissions and forums.. these parasitic programmers appear to have the masses under a gigantic spell of obedience as if there is such thing as a moral legitimacy of a governing authority to dictate and rule humanity by cohesion and force ..

talk about worshiping faulse idols
Has everyone gone completely deaf and blind ?we’re are the eyes to see and ears to hear
Have we no skillful archars left ? how many are missing the mark of truth . Better yet How many are even aiming at the single and most worthy persuit ?

Are we going to exist as degenerates in the rubble of waisted arrows fighting with each other on the mounds of the decomposing past ? Or rise and unite through knowledge and compassion while adorning the aesthetic of Sophia’s soul at last

Is rebellion not to act resiliently in the face of oppression ? and What does it mean to Progress ?
Are we content with depression? And bound to settle for less ?

Have we become conditioned to hide in the shadows and avoid the sun ? are we running from the vital source itself ? are we afraid of life and living ? Afraid To know thyself , to know nature, to approach the diversity and dynamics of the all ? are we motivated by fear . Fear of the unknown. the unknown limitless nature of our own boundless freedom

Are we so comfortably caged in mental prisons awaiting a savior as we vibrate on an apocalyptic wave cuddled up in our lead blankets of self opression and  bound to heavy chains

I extend a proposal, an invitation, an antidote perhaps.. to enquire into the esoteric and engage in a promethean quest with kindred and virtuous spirit , to exhume our inherent gnosis  and draw from the eternal flame.

to build a reservoir of education glazed by the crystalline salts of the earth , a house digital or physical anointed by the essence of mystery , a temple of mercurial wisdom and truth  .

Join me and my guests as we enquire into the liminality of mind and matter and tend to the fertile soils of awareness and perception while facilitating an expanded consciousness from the individual to the collective.