Ens Saffron (Sargol) (The Arcanum)


Ens Saffron (Sargol) (The Arcanum)
Dose: 1-20 drops; Dosage: 1-3x per day
Latin Name: Crocus sativus
Oil of Saffron (from Saffron Stigmas) + Spirit of Saffron (Ethanol) + Saffron Mineral Salts
Imported from Iran
Ens Saffron (Sargol) (The Arcanum)
Dose: 1-20 drops; Dosage: 1-3x per day
Latin Name: Crocus sativus
Oil of Saffron (from Saffron Stigmas) + Spirit of Saffron (Ethanol) + Saffron Mineral Salts
Imported from Iran
  • Monograph

    Saffron has been considered a potential therapeutic or preventive agent for a number of health conditions including cancer, cardiovascular disease and depression. Additionally saffron has proved to have a favourable safety profile and is well tolerated.

    Modern pharmacological studies have demonstrated that saffron and its constituents, particularly crocin and safranal, have a wide spectrum of activities:


    • Antioxidant: saffron may provide increased protection against a variety of reactive oxygen species and pro-inflammatory cytokines
    • Antidepressant and anxiolytic
    • Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory
    • Memory enhancer
    • Improves male erectile dysfunction
    • Hypotensive
    • Anti-tumor
    • Anti-diabetic
    • Anti-atherosclerotic



    Both oxidative stress and chronic inflammation play a significant role in the pathogenesis of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD).

    In addition to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties saffron may protect photoreceptors from retinal stress, maintaining both morphology and function and possibly acting as a regulator of programmed cell death.

    The neuroprotective effects of saffron have been demonstrated in patients with early ARMD.


    The beneficial effects of saffron in the management of neurological abnormalities, particularly depressive disorders and Alzheimer’s disease have been shown in various studies.


    Known psychopharmacological actions of saffron include:

    • Inhibition of monoamine re-uptake (e.g. serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline)
    • Enhanced binding and sensitisation of serotonin receptors
    • Monoamine oxidase inhibition
    • Neuro-endocrine modulation


    Other lesser known effects include:

    • GABAergic effects
    • Cytokine modulation (especially in depressive disorders with a comorbid inflammatory condition)
    • Opioid and cannabinoid system effects


    The mood elevating and anxiolytic properties of saffron may be due to the modulation of neurological pathways that have both antidepressant and anxiolytic effects, e.g. GABA, serotonin, and noradrenaline systems.

    Saffron extract has been studied in trials in comparison to placebo and/or antidepressant drugs. Results indicate saffron as an effective antidepressant drug and this provides initial support for the use of saffron for the treatment of mild to moderate depression.

    In a randomised, double-blind study, 30mg of saffron extract was given to patients who met DSMV IV for major depression for 6 weeks. This resulted in significant alleviation of depression compared to those on placebo, and did so without evident side effects.

    Saffron’s antidepressant effects are potentially due to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, neuroendocrine and neuroprotective effects. Specifically, saffron may modulate levels of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, including serotonin, by inhibiting serotonin reuptake thereby keeping serotonin in the synaptic cleft longer.

    Saffron supplementation may also improve symptoms of depression in adults with major depressive disorder (MDD). Saffron was found to be more effective than placebo and have effects similar to imipramine and fluoxetine in the treatment of MDD.



    Saffron may inhibit the aggregation and deposition of amyloid β in the human brain and may therefore be useful in the management of AD.

    Clinical trials on the anti-Alzheimer effect of saffron demonstrated that it was more effective than placebo and as effective as donepezil.

    Forty-six patients with probable AD were screened for a 16-week study of parallel groups of patients with mild to moderate AD. Patients either received saffron 30mg/day or placebo. After 16 weeks, saffron produced a significantly better outcome on cognitive function than placebo. This study suggests that at least in the short-term, saffron is both safe and effective in mild to moderate AD.


    Saffron is a great aphrodisiac!


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